Outback Mulch has the best quality mulch for your residential or commercial landscaping needs anywhere around the Roanoke Valley. Call on us today and see how our service and price offers you far more value. Shopping locally makes a difference!
Decorative stone
Decorative stone has multiple uses in your yard and garden and even inside your home. It is a highly popular "hardscape" material and is used for such diverse purposes as mulch, ground cover, driveways and filler around pools and patios.
Sand is a naturally produced material by Mother Nature and has many useful purposes in landscaping. Such as in paver application, under and around pools, sand boxes, playgrounds and many other areas. Before you buy, make sure you are getting the right sand for the job.
Gravel is used primarily for construction projects including driveways, concrete, pathways, and as a base for pavers or flagstone. We offer a variety of gravels to suit your needs. Our Gravels come from locally owned and operated quarries.
Soil / Compost
Our Soils are native to the Southwest / Central Virginia area. Soils can be used for all kinds of applications. From top dressing on new landscaping to filling in holes throughout your yard. Compost is organic matter that has been decomposed and recycled as a fertilizer and soil amendment.